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Product picture of Face Suction Cup massage tool for face
  • Face Suction Cup Set

    FACIAL SUCTION CUPS - Massage Tool


    This face massage tool will remove puffiness, stimulate blood flow, promote healing and detoxify your face. The suction effect will lift and pull away built up toxins in the face, while also moving fluid away that creates puffiness. Have a more refined jawline and slimmer looking face by using this product regularly. This tool does this by performing a Lymphatic drainage massage on the face which is very beneficial for detoxifying and rejuvenating your skin.


    Notice an improvement in just one treatment!



    DIRECTIONS: Perform massage after you have cleansed your skin, once all makeup and residue has been removed then apply your favourite face oil. Start at your jawline, squeeze the suction cup and sit it on to your skin, you should feel it connect to your face. Then gently pull the cup from the centre of your face to the outter parts. Always start at the centre and pull outwards to the ears. From the ears then drag down the neck. Repeat this method over the entire face, starting at the centre of your face and always pulling outward, do this for 10-15minutes everyday to see the best results.

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