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What keeps it healthy, What does it need to age it's best!

Skin cells are made up of water & oil, when our skin is referred to as "dry" this is addressing it's lack of oil & when a skin is referred to as "dehydrated" this is addressing the lack of water in the skin. Keeping these two facts in mind will help you better understand what your skin needs.

1. WATER! Hydration is a huge factor in skin health, your skin will instantly look more youthful when it has been hydrated, think of a water balloon as your skin cell, if it has no water inside of it it appears deflated wrinkled and flat. Fill it up with water though and it now appears plump, shinny, circular and those wrinkles have been filled out. This is exactly how our skin appears when it is dehydrated verses when it is hydrated. Water plumps up our cells, it makes them appear shinny, smooth and circular rather than wrinkled and flat. Water is also very important for your skins health, a hydrated skin cell can repair and function at it's best. But it is not simply good enough to splash some water onto your face, because we also have oils in our skin that act like a barrier, making it difficult for water to soak in, so how do we do it? We need something that will bind the water to our cells, an incredible ingredient that does that is Hyaluronic Acid, don't be scared off by the term "acid" for it is not a harsh acid like ingredient. It's like the glue that sticks water to our cells. Hyaluronic Acid can hold up to 1000 times its size in water, so when it's attached to our cells it has a swelling/plumping affect, surrounding our cells in water. This is one fantastic ingredient that will help hydrate your skin.

  • Hyaluronic Acid

2. OIL / OMEGA'S! We just discussed how our cells are made up of water & oil, there's really only one type of pure water but when it comes to oil, there are countless kinds of oil, oils rich in Omega's is what our skin loves so let's talk about those. In our modern western diet almost all of us have too much inflammation in our bodies, Omega-6 causes inflammation and things like Fast Food, Bread, Pastries and Grains are high in Omega-6. So what our skin is desperate for is Omega-3. The Anti-inflammatory Omega, Omega-3 is soothing, calming and all things anti-inflammatory. This is fantastic for a skin with breakouts & acne because the skin is aggravated and usually red when it has acne. So Omega-3 will calm that skin right now and soothe the inflamed pimples. It is also Great for a sensitive skin as it's calming, soothing affect will benefit sensitive, reacting skin. Another hero omega is Omega-5 which is an incredible antioxidant, Omega-5 is the strongest known antioxidant to modern science today, antioxidants are so important because are like the cleaners that get rid of everything that ages us like sun exposure, alcohol, fast food, toxins etc. Antioxidants come along and neutralise these skin aging factors which in skin terms are called "Free Radicals" Antioxidants are the cleaners and repairer, so we need plenty of them which is why Omega-5 is so valuable for skin health as it is the richest known Antioxidant!

Where can we find Omega-3 and Omega-5?

  • Flaxseed oil or Hemp Seed oil is very high in Omega-3

  • Pomegranate Seed oil is very rich in Omega-5

Both can be applied topically to the skin to enjoy their skin benefits.

3. VITAMINS! Many vitamins are beneficial for the skin but the top two would have to be

Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Vitamin C is fantastic for brightening and repairing skin cells, while Vitamin A is incredible at renewing new skin cells, the two are vital for a healthy, youthful complexion. Vitamin A can often times be referred to as Retinol which is the same thing. You'll often find these Vitamins in the form of serums that you apply before a moisturiser.

4. MINERALS! We used to be able to consume our daily need of minerals from our food, but these days many of our diets are lacking proper minerals, what we do receive goes straight to the brain first because your body priorities what needs it more, from there other parts of your body receive nutrients and last of all is the skin, so if we already are not eating enough minerals then you can guarantee your skin is not receiving enough to function at its best. Minerals like Iron and Zinc are vital for skins health and well-being.

5. COENZYME Q10! Coenzyme Q10 is the matter for youth! When we are young children our skin contains high levels of Coenzyme Q10 but as we age our skin dramatically drops in Coenzyme Q10 levels, so taking supplements and applying it topically is a fantastic way to restore these levels. It's role in our skin is to produce energy between cells, generating repair and also producing fresh new cells, restoring this will stimulate your skin and activate it to get to work again, as it did when you were a youthful child.

These 5 tips for youthful, healthy skin are the ultimate formula for young or mature aged skin types. No matter what age you are following this guideline will one hundred percent improve your skin!

Though our bodies vary slightly from one person to the next we all for the most part will benefit from a healthy, balanced diet, filled with nutrition. Weather we are a child or an adult we can appreciate that good food is good for us, likewise our skin does vary from one person to the next but ultimately we all need the same nutrients on our skin for it to thrive. Feeding our skin a balanced diet will benefit anyone of any age.


Which is why the GOLDEN FACE NECTAR was created. It is a Multi-Vitamin for the skin, packed full of Vitamins, Minerals and Omega's. One product that ANYONE can use and will see an improvement in their skins appearance and texture within just one application.

It was designed to be just one complex product that we can incorporate that is complete with every nutrient your skin needs to thrive!

Every ingredient has been grown in Australia, free of pesticides and chemicals and completely unrefined. Each ingredient is as close to nature as physically possible, absolutely NO man made artificial ingredients are included.

Pure, Unrefined mother earth in a bottle, showing off what nature can truly do for us!

And the results have been AMAZING!

With a 100% Happy response from customers.

Try yours now and see first hand your skin change!





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