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These terms get thrown around a lot in cosmetics, so what really is the difference when we read the two?⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


The term "NATURAL" on any cosmetic product can basically mean anything unfortunately, the truth is there is not many regulations governing who can splash this word over they're products, making it very deceiving as a consumer to know what to believe. A product that says natural on it's label can still be packed full of harsh chemicals and have close to no natural ingredients in it.

The sad truth is Australia and New Zealand are two countries with some of the lowest standards when it comes to cosmetics, it's a very unregulated bubble here. That's why knowing what to look for and having a trained eye for wording is so important. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


"ORGANIC" or better yet "CERTIFIED ORGANIC" has more meaning behind it though & needs to meet some higher standards.

It refers to how the ingredient has been prepared, grown free of pesticides or toxins & then manufactured in the same manner. For a product to be accepted as organic it needs to contain 70-100% approved organic ingredients. Seeing the words Certified Organic on your products is one way to have some more peace of mind you know what you are buying.




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