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Nutrition our skin is DESPERATE for!

It's not as hard as you think to get it right.

But almost all of us are deficient.

Our modern diet consists a lot of bread, wheat and grains. We eat cereal, bagels or a bacon and egg roll in the morning to start our system, a burger for lunch and pasta for dinner.

What effect does a high grain diet have on our skin? Well almost all of us have too much Omega-6 which is an essential fatty acid that causes inflammation. Inflammation is IMPORTANT in our bodies believe it or not, it is not the enemy. When we cut ourselves inflammation around that wound happens almost instantly to alert our bodies of the problem and to start fixing that problem. Inflammation is like our bodies emergency services that send off a siren and race to fix something.

The problem is in our western diet we have too many sirens going off in our bodies. Most of us have too much inflammation and not enough anti-inflammatory responses going off to put out the flames. This is why OMEGA-3 is so important. Omega-3 is our anti-inflammatory essential fatty acid, when it comes to skin omega-3 is vital for everyone, hence the name "essential" fatty acid because it quiet literally is essential. Interestingly we do not produce Omega-3 ourselves but rely solely on receiving it from our diet, if our diet does not consist of much or any omega-3, quickly our anti-inflammatory response can not keep up with our bodies needs.

When it comes to skin omega-3 is vital for everyone, from an Acne prone skin type to a Sensitive or Dry skin type. Break outs on the skin instantly create an inflammation response in the body, this is why a pimple will appear red and feel tender to touch, often the skin will be warm as well. All of these are a result of inflammation. Omega-3 plays a huge part in controlling this situation, calming down the angry, inflamed area and balancing out the skins sebum.

The same is true for a Sensitive skin type, Omega-3 soothes down the skin irritation and builds it's resilience so it wont be as reactive. Dryness can be the cause of many other issues, it can first become dry meaning it is lacking oil, which then results in it developing irritation because it has become so weak and impaired. Treating Dryness will quickly prevent any further problems from developing, omega-3 can regulate a healthy oil production and prevent moisture loss in the skin.

So what foods can we find that are high in Omega-3 ?

  • Mackerel

  • Oysters

  • Flaxseeds

  • Chia Seeds

  • Cod Liver Oil

  • Walnuts

  • Hempseed Oil

When treating skin topically for inflammation our best plant oil options are:

  • Flaxseed Oil

  • Hempseed Oil

Flaxseed Oil is one of the richest known sources of plant based omega-3 found in nature. It has a vibrant golden colour and velvety texture. Hempseed Oil has been found to have the perfect ratio of omega-6 and omega-3 the optimal balance for a stable and healthy skin.

That is why these two Omega heroes have been formulated in the 'Golden Face Nectar' facial oil, to deliver the perfect omega balance with a boost of anti-inflammatory assistance to help with our unbalanced lifestyles.

Beneficial for All skin types, Ages or Genders. The Golden Face Nectar will improve skin health and strength, while calming down a variety of skin issues.

Try it Today!

Check it out now!


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