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1. WE ACTUALLY CARE! - Mass produced brands typically are more focused on figures rather than your welfare. Why is it that when we see the face of a celebrity holding a product we think "okay I'll try that, it must be trust worthy if they are using it" when in reality these people are rich for a reason, they get PAID to advertised products. Most celebs have never even opened the products that they claim to love, it's a job and its a job that pays them good money. On the contrary a small business is formed from an individual that is passionate, they need to be good at what they are doing because they don't have the power of these big companies, so what they sell isn't about making as much profit on you as possible but rather is about giving you the best product possible. A small business can't afford to be bad, they have more to prove to win your trust and therefore are offering a better made product.

2. KNOWLEDGE - There is no one who knows what they are selling better than a small business owner! Creating a business from scratch is a sure way to be the master of your trade. If you purchase from a small business owner be confident that you can ask any question and background information on your purchase because you are dealing directly with it's creator. No long phone calls waiting for the 'Customer Care' team to get back to you, no more painful emails back and forth, know that you are dealing with the expert in that field.

3. QUALITY - Their products are not being mass produced in a factory in China, They are not making 10,000 units at a time and throwing them out the door for sales. No, when you hold your product know that they held it too, they created it and put effort to perfect it, this means you'll be receiving more for your money with better quality.

4. PUTTING YOUR MONEY TO A GOOD CAUSE! - When large commercial companies make a sale from you, the rich are getting richer, they give you less quality, cheaper ingredients, care less and still take your money. When you purchase from a small business you are fueling a passionate individual to fight back and are putting your dollars into the hands of someone who gives you quality in return.

5. BETTER FOR YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH - There are not many big companies in the skincare world these days that aren't using cheap, mass produced & harmful toxic ingredients in their products. Many common skincare ingredients have been linked to breast cancer, thyroid disorders & depression but yet no one is stopping them from using it. Why would they use such harmful chemicals? Cost! They are cheap and get the job done, if they can keep the costs down they can keep the profits up. Organic skincare brands are fighting back though, We care about our and your health and choose to use organic, safe ingredients. The catch though, these ingredients are not cheap! But they are quality & our health & lives should not be cheap. Dealing with a passionate small skincare business owner is a sure way to know you have trust worthy ingredients in your every purchase.





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