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This Brand has been carefully designed with the desire to bring back a personal touch to our personal care products. Whether your male or female we all care about our bodies and want to nourish them with the best quality ingredients, as we learn more about the toxic chemical world we live in we are starting to increase our knowledge and awareness on the long term negative effects of using toxins on our skin. Being a Beauty Therapist for all of my working years and taking a look in depth into a number of different skincare brands, all with their own philosophies or advice on skincare. I can be the first to admit it's often overwhelming and at times contradictory. The fact is 'Beauty' is over a $500 Billion Dollar industry that is only increasing, the amount of choices we are given and facts we are told is mind blowing.


So how is this skincare brand any different from the rest ?

Well to put it plainly it's "Purity" & "Simplicity". I believe its more important to have less ingredients but quality ones in a single product, as opposed to having countless amounts of ingredients that's potency is diluted and weakened, therefore robbing yourself of seeing the true benefits from each component.


While keeping everything natural, organic and Australian harvested, why is this so important? Well, not only is purchasing items from our own country vital for sustaining it's future but the ingredients are also fresher, meaning more therapeutic benefits for your skin, you see when ingredients are produced overseas, stored in warehouse's, then shipped to Australia that ingredient could have been harvested over 6 months earlier while being subject to overheated storage containers and exposed to natural sun light. Which all these factors damage the delicate properties found in our precious plant oils and extracts. Locally sourced means a shorter wait between the harvest and extraction processes to that ingredient working wonders on your skin.


​In addition to creating beautiful skincare products I wanted this brand to be more than just skincare, being a beauty therapist I see on a daily basis many different people all shapes, sizes, ages and backgrounds and one of the biggest things we all have in common is some kind of deep insecurity about ourselves. I'm striving to break down the expectations we have of ourselves to be "perfect" and rather to unify unique beauty, make our imperfections our perfections and to love our BARE skin in all it's pure glory. 




Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this journey!

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